With credit to PESI trainer ????



  • Applying chapstick

  • Fiddling with a pen

School supports

  • Use a clear plastic box rather than a locker for school books

  • Turn lined pages sideways to align number columns and avoid confusion


  • Jobseeking: Use Indeed for searches, as drag and drop - easier to do the thing

  • Storage - use clear storage boxes

  • Use muffin trays to organise draws

  • Use ice cube trays to organise jewellery



  • Add protein to every meal - but requires executive function, so need to

  • For snacks, use cheese sticks, individual serving of nuts, jerky/biltong, protein balls, Greek yoghurt

  • Typically less processed than carbs

Keystone practices

  • Nutrition: Concentrate on macronutrients like protein

  • Protein supports cognition for hours rather than minutes

  • Consider the impact of chemicals, preservatives, food colourings, processed foods